Bottom-up Attempts at Agroecological Transitions in China

The study explores bottom-up agroecological transitions in two Chinese villages, Sanliwan and Sanggang. Sanliwan faces environmental degradation, lack of markets, need for agroecological technical extension, and farmer atomization. In contrast, Sanggang successfully navigates these through farmer organization, efficient resource utilization, improved technology, and market development. The study calls for further research on top-down responses to these challenges. … Continue readingBottom-up Attempts at Agroecological Transitions in China

Berkeley – October 2023

I sublet my slip in Santa Cruz to do winter sailing in the San Francisco Bay. This needed to be a two-day trip over the weekend as I did not take time off from work. Starting out around 10 am from Santa Cruz, I immediately encountered favorable northwesterly winds for several hours. A small craft advisory was in effect, but the conditions were manageable. The waves and swell were intense, but the wind only required me to put in one reef. … Continue readingBerkeley – October 2023

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