June 22 2024
- Started Jun 22, 2024 2:42 PM
- Trip Time 2:00:00
- Dist. Traveled 8.5 nm
- Average Speed 4.25 kts
- Max. Speed 6.57 kts
Besides daysailing and racing, I took only two extended cruises in 2024. From June 22 to 25, I sailed to Drakes Bay and back to prepare for the August San Francisco Bay Singlehanded Sailing Society regatta. The first day was a quick 2-hour afternoon sail from the Berkeley marina to the anchorage in Richardson Bay near Sausalito.
June 23 2024
Richardson Bay to Drakes Bay
- Started Jun 23, 2024 3:12 AM
- Trip Time 6:27:30
- Dist. Traveled 30.71 nm
- Average Speed 4.76 kts
- Max. Speed 7.70 kts
After a relaxing evening at anchor, I left for Drakes Bay on June 23 at 3:12 am. Due to the early departure, I enjoyed a beautiful sunrise just past the Golden Gate Bridge. The winds were strong all morning until the Bonita channel, when they died down. I motored sparingly, and soon, the winds shifted to the southwest, allowing me to sail most of the way to Drakes Bay at a beam reach. The coast was completely socked in with fog from Bolinas to Drakes Bay. Given the poor visibility, my GPS came in handy.
The skies cleared at Drakes Bay. I anchored and ate lunch, thinking that I would spend the night. However, my plans changed after listening to the forecast: a small craft advisory with winds from the southwest. Since Drakes Bay was quite exposed to that wind direction, I changed my plans to sail back to San Francisco Bay on the same day.
Drakes Bay to Richardson Bay
- Started Jun 23, 2024 12:32 PM
- Trip Time 6:40:15
- Dist. Traveled 29.61 nm
- Average Speed 4.44 kts
- Max. Speed 6.57 kts
Interestingly, once I got underway, the winds shifted to the north, and I could sail straight downwind wing-on-wing pretty much the entire time back to San Francisco. The coastline had cleared of fog, and I enjoyed many wildlife sightings. Sailing through the Golden Gate at sunset was even more stunning than the sunrise during my departure. I set anchor in Richardson Bay around 7 pm. In total, I covered about 60 miles, traveling on average just over 4.5 knots and a top speed of 7.7 knots.
June 25 2024
- Started Jun 25, 2024 2:09 PM
- Trip Time 3:53:00
- Dist. Traveled 18.79 nm
- Average Speed 4.84 kts
- Max. Speed 7.70 kts
After a day with my family in Sausalito on June 24, I took the scenic route back to Berkeley on June 25: Richardson Bay, Racoon Strait, Angel Island, and Alcatraz, then to the San Francisco waterfront.